Please Look At Yourself

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Wk2, Q3: The peculiar nature of interactive media

I feel the unique aspect of interactive media when used in a narrative is the possibility of establishing a multitude of relationships. Take, for example, in the game Command & Conquer Generals, different units in the various armies have different characteristics i.e. tank hunters are good against tanks, but their long range capacities make them effective against GLA foot soldiers as well. In different situations, different combinations of fighting units will allow for more effective completion of the mission, thus forwarding the narrative.

In non-interactive media, the relationships presented are never as dynamic in nature as interactive media because it neither allows for the presenting of multiple relationships (i.e. ‘When A brings flowers for B, it only makes her happy. Conversely, when A brings a diamond ring for B, he succeeds in winning her hand. Alternatively, when A brings B flowers and goes on his knees in front of the whole stadium, it also wins him her hand, although at a much lower cost) or the option to explore multiple options (in non-interactive mediums, there is no option). The provision of immediate feedback within interactive mediums encourages ‘readers’ to continuously explore different options within certain boundaries (in other words, play) and arrive at different solutions for the same problems.


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